Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Christmas Frickin Meme

Meme from Patrick’s Pagan Place Of Blogging

Wee lil Christmas tag… the idea is for other to come to your blog and check it out, then post their own on their site and tag others. As Patrick pointed out, this will shortly morph into what I wanted for Christmas, but what the hay.

  1. You list the THREE things you want for Christmas
  2. You list the THREE things you don’t
  3. You tag people to make them frown and grumble at you and make “I hate meme” sounds

Ok, now here’s mine….

What I want for Christmas is…

  1. health. With recent events, some so gruesome and potentially boring that I will not go into them here for fear of making some reader’s eyes fall out of their damn HEADS with the eye-jarringly boringness of it all…. I will just say that I could be a lot healthier. And if there was some fat guy in a red suit who would make a naughty little exchange , say, me on his lap in return for me having perfect health, well, I’d be all over that. Sit down, Santy, here comes your good lil girl, to warm your lap and put a twinkle in your lecherous old eye. hehehe. God, sometimes I’m sick. I really am. But at least I admit it.
  2. I would like to have income stability. Note, I did not say “my old job, at the same rate of pay, etc. etc…” because as Bitty so wisely pointed out…. Do I really want to work for these new people? Um, not sure yet. So instead of one of those, “Be careful what you wish for, you may regret it, careful what you wish… you just might get it (sung like Metallica)”… I will simply say, the Christmas Spirits in their infinite wisdom know what the best path for me is concerning my family’s income and its steadiness or lack thereof. It may be that I need to get the hell out of Dodge (or Flower Hell) altogether, and those very spirits may be arranging it that I can do so. Or I might be there for another ten years….shudder.
  3. I think this is where I’m supposed to put Peace On Earth or something like that. Does it count with the Intention Gods (Similar to the Christmas Spirits, only taller) if I realize that I’m supposed to do that? But to be perfectly honest, and when am I not, I ask? I have to say that more than peace on earth, I’d really like Peace in My House. This includes less worrying about my older son, less screaming and moodswinging from my younger one, jobs that fulfill and pay both my spouse and myself, and a little, just a little, spare time. Last night, Hubby and I watched a movie in bed, we were actually together for like the first time in five days, due to our respective crazy-ass schedules, and it was really nice. Kids went to bed without arguing or committing a homicide, house was quiet, heater was cranked (rare, but it happens sometimes without Husband noticing and I sure as hell am not going to point it out…. you can’t see your breath in here, gee Hon, better turn that thermostat down!) I had a pink lady apple – the one good thing about winter, my apples are for sale- and it was practically delightful. I was enjoying myself so much that I kept looking over my shoulder, expecting the fates to realize that I wasn’t stressing or freaking or feeling sick and come swooping down with a new bucket of shit to pour on my head. Yet it didn’t happen. I’d like more days, and nights, like that one.

Here’s what I don’t want for Christmas:

  1. A nosy neighbor to move in next door. The kind that watches out the windows for any movement on the block, and you only see the curtains twitching. The kind that calls the cops when your car alarm goes off or your dog barks for longer than a minute. The kind that needs a life and a family, but doesn’t have one and so she/he takes it out on you. Yes, I already have a neighbor like that… that is my point. I don’t want ANOTHER one.
  2. I really don’t want a coldsore any time before the New Year. In fact, from now on, I’d appreciate it if my herpes would like, make an appointment. Let me know when they are coming to visit, in advance, so I can prepare my lip like a guest room. “Ok, we will be there on the 28th, and yeah, there’s going to be a lot of us this time, a good two, maybe three, big-ass blisters. So get ready for us, ok? And expect us to hang around for awhile, with that crap diet and bad health you’ve been running on lately, ok? In fact, a few of us just might renew our reservation and stay for two weeks.”
  3. I don’t want my son to get arrested, in trouble, in a fight, in a pool of his own vomit, you name it, if it’s juvenile, and delinquent, I don’t want it on my kid. Not right now. I’m thinking about my son, his hulking overgrown self… when did it become ok for a thirteen year old to stand six feet tall and need to shave? When did this happen? And…Oh my God, I just realize what I should have used this space for… shit, ok, It’s not over yet, I can still do this… Christmas Spirits? What I really don’t want anytime soon (and by that I mean ten, fifteen years, at the earliest) is to be a fricking GRANDMA.

Ok, tag you’re it!

Nate’s Blog because frankly, it’s interesting, what that blog has to say

Portnoy because he is obviously hurting for some post material. Here, my friend, you can use this.

Orhan… just cause I like him and he’s a funny buddy.

Bitty, because I love her even though I know she’s gone for Christmas… she can be one of those after Christmas taggers.

And the next blog I find on the random blog button, because I like to live dangerously, and spread the joy of Christmas to perfect strangers who say, Who are you and Why are you tagging me? Welcome to the fun…. Rainbow Brite. And I ask you… how cool is it that I found HER on the random blog button?

Now I'm off to see the new Rocky movie. Don't you laugh! I laughed too, until I peeked at reviews and saw that they were excellent. yes, he's sixty. yes, it's the sixth one. yes, it is a ridiculous idea and... so the hell what? It's ROCKY. I'll go watch it just for the throat-swell of the music. You can expect my review shortly over on the page meant for that.
Now, happy holidays to all you lucky bastards who had the privilege of reading this post!


Scott from Oregon said...

Well, since Nate won't answer your meme, I am offering my services as a galoot to hold him down while you slowly rip off his mustache.

Happy Holidays and shit...

Me said...

Will great straight onto it sometime tonight, sometime before Christmas.


SecondComingOfBast said...

Do you still have that other blog?

Meowkaat said...

Good on you, Scott! I think you should take up the noble mantle and do the meme yourself. And I do sort of want a mustache for Christmas....
Orhan, can't wait to read your greedy boy wishes :)
Patrick- no it's temporarily defunct, like me. I'll let you know if I get it back up and running.

Anonymous said...

It's 8:16pm on Christmas night, but I will submit my list ASAP.

Scott Stambler said...

i'm almost done. or can it be for 2007 ?