Monday, January 1, 2007

Resolutions 2007

pictured ....Kaat, in her imaginary new year's dress, wishing every and all blessings of the 2007th kind, on her happy readers and friends.

Ok, so... resolutions... Every year I do this and every year I try to remember not only what my resolutions were for the previous year, but if I did any of them. Answer, can’t remember and probably not, but I remain undaunted.

This year, the glorious 2007 will find me


-sending a real live book to an agent, and failing that, to Lulu’s print on demand process… the word PUBLISH will be fulfilled

- Spring training to turn my body into a complex muscled machine again

-creating some kind of order out of the chaos of clothing (meant to be sold on ebay) that is slowly piling into mountain-type formations in my kitchen… in fact, the words “storage space” are so beautiful to me right now…

-enjoying my work, working to enjoy, having a fucking job I like in short

-keeping my blog(s) updated

Hehehe that last one was just a sop thrown to the few of you that read this drivel. Look, I’m gonna start posting regularly! I promise. I’ll be amusing and witty and fun! Please come back!

Isn’t the whole Blog Traffic Desire weird? I mean, most of the folks that travel through our blogs are doing just that- traveling through, not stopping, cruising on past without pausing. And yet we cling to each of those lil HITS like they are, well, hits… of something that makes us high and happy.

Last night I was working on El Lulu Livechat and it was 9 something my time, which makes it after the New Year in New York, where my current chat customer was from. He starts talking about the New Year and I’m all, yes, that’s strange that we are living in different times right now, and then he starts hitting on me.

I was so sad for this guy… I mean, he doesn’t know I look like a Barbie doll. He’s all asking me if I can just “talk” for awhile, telling me how nice I am, that I must be really cute… it was seriously sad. This guy is so lonely on the new year that he is going to lulu livechat and hitting on people he can’t see, in the hopes that their “female” name means they are really female… and it does not, by the way, I’ve been online as “Gene” and “David” both…. I was very, very thankful that regardless of present problems, I am loved and I have not been, and will not ever be, I hope… that fricking lonely.

As far as present problems are concerned.. welp, the NB has still not taken over. Apparently the papers and stuff are supposed to be signed on , let’s see, tomorrow. I won’t be there, I have a dr.’s visit-

(and for those of you in know on the doctor thing- thanks for your caring. I hope it goes well, too. I appreciate such support and love and all that happy crappy that I have undeservingly been showered with by you people who seem to like me even when I least deserve it)

so I am supposed to “talk” with NB on Wednesday. OB has supposedly told them my demands. I want to have about 30 hours a week at a certain hourly rate- no more of this bullshit salary that means I work six hundred thousand hours and get the same bullshit check, because why? Oh because I work for my FRIENDS and they will never do something underhanded and horrible like selling the store out from under me when I have worn myself out for their ungrateful asses. Oops… meaning NOT to do that any more… bitterness must be shelved, to later be turned into something constructive... like art. Maybe I can become a Mad Painter with all of my boxed up shit…. And by Mad I mean angry-mad. Heh heh.

Ok, well that’s it for me. I wish each and every one of you a happy New Year in which all of your hopes and dreams are fulfilled, in a wild way you didn’t quite count on, but like, just the same.


Scott from Oregon said...

Well, the general idea behind these things is an alternative means and avenue for expression and making connections.

While at times I wonder why I bother, at other times I realize I am making connections that would otherwise not be made.

It is like extending the human social fabric in wider and thinner nets.

Is it a good thing?

We'll all have to see.

Best wishes for whateve health issue you are facing, and have a happy Year Of Bond...

Meowkaat said...

I like your thoughts on the blogosphere.

I'm getting healthier every day- thanks!