Friday, January 26, 2007

I am still alive

Alrighty then….. yeah I have been really neglectful of this here blog.

I make no excuses. I’m a lame ass.

I never said I WASN’T a lame ass, though. Keep that in mind.

It may become necessary to delete this Kaat litter blog. Not that it is really anyone’s idea of a great blog, but I thought it was a good idea until recently. Problem is that a lot of “real life” people, including, say, customers… find out I have a blog and they want to read it and then I have to carefully watch what I say or don’t say and the end result is a blog that is surface bullshit with little real honesty because I am afraid so and so might read it.

So if I never post here again, that’ll be why.

But in the meantime, all is well in the world of the Big Pussy. Yes that’s me, and I don’t know why you’re laughing.




eddyquette said...

Hey, well it's good to know you're still there - it had gone a bit quiet, hadn't it... See your point about customers - I always felt extremely uncomfortable for the same reasons while I was still in a job that brought lots of customer interface and tried to keep the whole thing secret. Tough one - I do hope you keep blogging, though...


Dooce Fan! said...

Well, the colors are very nice on your blog.

Bitty said...

So, if you decide to delete -- again!! -- you really should just start another blog with a new name (other than Kaat) and only let Important People like me in on the joke. And maintain your identity totally separately from that Biased Kaat.

That's me tellin' you what to do.

But darn, Kaat Litter. That's the best blog name ever.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Just change your settings to where it's a private blog for only people that you want to read it.

And I'm not laughing, I'm breathing too hard.

Meowkaat said...

You all are right...
Patrick, Mr. Smarty Pants, how did I know that? I didn't. OK, I will fix this here blog so that only peeps who are allowed to can see it... heehee, leaves me feeling very sneaky...a delightful feeling.